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In everything we do we believe in thinking inside the law before we think outside the box.
We challenge the status quo,

by applying subtle empathy.
And we achieve results for our clients.
That’s why tax is our art.

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Our Boutique
International Tax Law Firm

LEXeFISCAL was born on the 1st of September 2010 from an idea our senior partner (Dr Clifford J Frank) had to provide a one-stop boutique for clients seeking professional, bespoke fiscal advice.


Having been in the tax law industry for 30 years, Clifford realised that the clients he looked after actually needed a single point of reference to deal with their fiscal affairs, all under one roof. The clients loved the idea and, with a team of tax experts, LEXeFISCAL was launched. The firm has been successfully providing tax solutions ever since.

Our Areas of Competence

Private Client

We provide bespoke tax planning advice for individuals, families and trusts.  LEXeFISCAL advice many private individuals including successful artists, actors, entrepreneurs, sports personalities and land property owners.

Advising private clients is an ‘art’ based on the tenets of, discretion, confidentiality, and truth.


Our specialist private client team comprises tax advisers, financial planning, professionals and general business advisers.


We offer compliance and advisory and planning services to privately or family owned business, and listed companies, individual and trusts.


Whetever you are a small or business or large corporation, a listed PLC or Private Limited Company, LEXeFISCAL is able to assist.


Our accounting, financial planning, and tax advisers work as a team so that clients benefit from advisers who are familiar with their industries and the particular challenges that are involved. 

Company Secretarial

When you have a small company, there are some routine items of compliance that you need to do to comply with the law, and one of the challenges for small business owners is knowing what you don’t know. The team at LEXeFISCAL have many years of experience working with very small companies ranging to very large, regulated companies.


By subscribing to our company secretarial service, we can help guide you around the regulations, and we will help ensure your records are maintained correctly so you can find important records when you need them.


Our Tax Advisors

Vincit  Veritas
The truth will prevail

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Our London Office:

Suite 428B, 4th Floor 

33 Cavendish Square

W1G 0PW, London

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)208 092 2111

Our Italy Office:

Via Bagutta 13

Post Code: 20121, Milan


Tel: +39 02 3031 4175

LEXeFISCAL LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership, registered in England and Wales. Registration no. OC400314. VAT no. 161025942. Registered Office: 33 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0PW, United Kingdom. It is authorised and regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.  ICAEW registration no. C011006460. 

LEXeFISCAL LLP is insured to provide and practice non-reserved activities. A list of non-reserved activities can be found in Section 12 of the Legal Services Act 2007. Tax, private client, family, arbitration law are non-reserved legal activities practised by LEXeFISCAL LLP.

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